First direct flight from Seoul to Bishkek launched

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The first regular and direct flight from South Korea to Kyrgyzstan has been launched. The passanger aircraft of the Korean T'Way Airlines has landed in Kyrgyz International Manas airport near Bishkek.

The duration of the flight from Seoul to Bishkek will be 7 hours 30 minutes, from Bishkek to Seoul will be 6 hours, reports press service of Manas airport.

Flights to Seoul will be carried out once a week: arrival from Seoul on Sundays, departure from Bishkek on Mondays.

Untill now the passangers from both country needed to fly to Korea or to Kyrgyzstan through third countries and and they lost a lot of time.

Relations between Kyrgyzstan and South Korea are expanding and launching the direct flight is welcomed by both sides.

June 12, 2022