China's special relationship with Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan

China's demand for metals of various groups is steadily growing, which is explained by the country's general course towards expanding industrial production. In this context, one of the options for China is the Central Asian region, which has significant reserves of fuel and energy raw materials, ores, as well as renewable resources. Read about China's participation in the key enterprises of the mining sector of the Central Asian countries in the article by Maria Khvostova "China's policy in the...

16/07 20:01 180 0


Strengthening Central Asian economies require strengthening regional integration - experts

A special place in the structure of the EAEU is occupied by Central Asia, a region located in the center of the strategic triangle Russia-India-China (RIC). Modern geopolitical and geo-economic processes actualize the integration tasks for the region, the driver of which can be the Eurasian Union. Actual problems of pairing the countries of the Central Asian region (CAR) were analyzed by experts from the Astrakhan State University named after V. N. Tatishchev in an article for the scientific jou...

17/03 22:14 226 0

Tajikistan links economic successes in recent years with UN help

The average economic growth of Tajikistan in the past five years was provided at the level of 7.3%, and in 2022 - at the level of 8%. The volume of gross domestic product increased from 71 billion somoni in 2018 to 115 billion somoni in 2022, or increased 1.6 times in five years. The share of exports in foreign trade turnover increased from 20% to 31%, while the share of imports decreased from 80% to 69%. Such information was provided during a meeting of the joint steering committee for the app...

16/03 16:51 252 0

Kyrgyzstan triples exports to China

The volume of mutual trade between Kyrgyzstan and China in January 2023 reached $304 million 463.6 thousand and increased by 24.9% compared to the same period last year. This was reported in the materials of the National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyzstan. The volume of imports from China amounted to $298 million 752.4 thousand and increased by 23.5% compared to January 2022. Exports to the Celestial Empire increased by 215.7%, reaching $5 million 711.2 thousand in January 2023 against $1 mil...

14/03 19:39 230 0

Uzbekistan leads TOP-3 largest importers of Kazakh grain

Uzbekistan has again become the main importer of grain from Kazakhstan, reports with reference to the Bureau of National Statistics of Kazakhstan. At the same time, the Uzbek market accounts for 47.3% of Kazakhstani exports. In 2022, the amount of wheat imported by Uzbekistan increased by 8.3% with an increase in value by almost a third, the Bureau of Statistics of Kazakhstan said in a statement. Kazakhstan exported 2.99 million tons of wheat and olives to Uzbekistan in 2022. Kazakhs...

14/03 15:27 207 0

Export of Uzbekistan to Egypt increased 16 times

Uzbekistan's exports to Egypt have increased 16 times over the past 5 years, Obid Khakimov, director of the Center for Economic Research and Reforms of Uzbekistan (CEIR) said, reports. The main article of Uzbek export to Egypt was textile products. In addition to it, Uzbekistan exported transport equipment and services, including air transport services. Back in 2018, an agreement worth $483 million was reached between the countries. From 2017 to 2022, the trade turnover has more than...

13/03 19:24 399 0