Central Asian countries may start having problems with EU due to trade with Russia

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European Union Special Representative for Sanctions David O'Sullivan paid a visit to Kyrgyzstan. At a briefing with journalists, he said that he did not want the issue of sanctions against Russia to become an obstacle in the development of relations between the EU and Bishkek, Asia-today.news reports.

Bishkek and Brussels should engage in dialogue to get accurate information on trade flows and "determine the measures that need to be taken," O'Sullivan said.

According to the Special Representative of the EU, a delegation may be sent to Kyrgyzstan to conduct trainings for administrative and customs authorities so that they better understand the nature and nature of the sanctions being imposed.

Recently, more European goods have been delivered to Kyrgyzstan, including dual-use goods (smartphones, video cameras, etc.). Growth in individual commodity items amounted to more than 300%. European exports also increased to other Central Asian countries.

“We would like to know where these goods exported to Kyrgyzstan end up. They are consumed here, and the appetite for certain foods has significantly increased among the Kyrgyz people? Maybe they are exported to other regions and countries, which is not a problem for us. Or are they flowing to Russia?” O'Sullivan asked.

He also stressed that the issue of sanctions could become an obstacle in the development of relations between the EU and Kyrgyzstan.

Earlier, the British newspaper The Telegraph reported that the EU is discussing the introduction of trade sanctions against countries that help Moscow evade punitive measures.


March 28, 2023